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Dwyer Foundation's Journey Towards Social Change

Building a Sustainable Future for All.

Dwyer Foundation is a non-profit, secular, and apolitical organization dedicated to the betterment of society. Since its establishment, we have been committed to the noble cause of “Helping People Help Themselves.” Our foundation operates with the vision of creating a more inclusive and equitable society where individuals have the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential.


Volunteers In 2020


People We Helped In 2020

$ 0 M

Funds We Collected

A Timeline of Dwyer Foundation's Milestones

Foundation's Inception

The Birth of a Vision

In 1990, the Dwyer Foundation was established with a noble vision to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Inspired by a deep sense of social responsibility, the foundation embarked on its journey to address pressing social issues and uplift the underprivileged.

Achievements and Milestones:

Expanding Horizons

Reaching New Milestones

As the new millennium dawned, the Dwyer Foundation expanded its scope and impact. It ventured into new areas of social development, focusing on education, women’s empowerment, environmental sustainability, and community upliftment. With dedication and perseverance, the foundation achieved significant milestones, touching the lives of countless individuals.

Achievements and Milestones:

Strengthening Commitment

Consolidating Impact

In the decade that followed, the Dwyer Foundation strengthened its commitment to its mission. It deepened its engagement with communities, forming strategic partnerships and collaborations with government bodies, NGOs, and local stakeholders. This collaborative approach enhanced the effectiveness of its initiatives and allowed for greater reach and sustainable change.

Achievements and Milestones:

Continuing the Journey

A Vision for the Future

In the present year, the Dwyer Foundation remains steadfast in its mission to create a lasting impact. With an unwavering dedication to holistic approaches, the foundation continues to empower individuals, foster community development, and address pressing societal challenges. Guided by the values of transparency, accountability, and compassion, the Dwyer Foundation envisions a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

Achievements and Milestones:

Legal Status and Registrations

Dwyer Foundation's Legal Status and Registrations

Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and Credibility

At Dwyer Foundation, we prioritize transparency, accountability, and compliance in all our operations. As a registered non-profit organization, we adhere to the legal framework and regulations governing charitable activities. Our legal status and registrations serve as a testament to our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and credibility. Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and Credibility At Dwyer Foundation, we understand the importance of transparency, accountability, and credibility in the non-profit sector. We believe that by being transparent about our legal status and registrations, we can instill confidence in our donors, partners, and the communities we serve.

Trust Registration and Compliance.

Registered under The Indian Trust Act 1882 -Trust Deed. No. - 17554, Dated- 28/10/2000.

Authorized to Receive Foreign Contributions.

FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) Act 1976 - Reg. No. - 031090102, Date- 04/01/2013.

Recognized by Niti Ayog (NGO Darpan)

Niti Ayog (NGO Darpan) India - Registration No. : BR/2018/0213650

Charitable Status and Tax Benefits

Registered under 10A, 12A, and 80G provisions of the Indian Income Tax Act.

Tax Identification and Compliance.

PAN No. – AABTD6379C issued by Commissioner of Income Tax, Patna, Bihar, India.

Incorporated under the Companies Act

Registered under the Companies Act 2013 - Registration No. 051660105

Trust Registration and Compliance.

Registered under The Indian Trust Act 1882 -Trust Deed. No. - 17554, Dated- 28/10/2000.

Authorized to Receive Foreign Contributions.

FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) Act 1976 - Reg. No. - 031090102, Date- 04/01/2013.

Recognized by Niti Ayog (NGO Darpan)

Niti Ayog (NGO Darpan) India - Registration No. : BR/2018/0213650

Tax Identification and Compliance.

PAN No. – AABTD6379C issued by Commissioner of Income Tax, Patna, Bihar, India.

Charitable Status and Tax Benefits

Registered under 10A, 12A, and 80G provisions of the Indian Income Tax Act.

Incorporated under the Companies Act

Registered under the Companies Act 2013 - Registration No. 051660105

Meet Spire Expert Agents

At Dwyer Foundation, our operations are guided by a dedicated team of individuals who are passionate about social change. Our Board of Directors/Patrons consists of socially committed individuals from diverse fields of expertise. Let us introduce you to some key members
A Legacy of Impact: With years of experience, Dwyer Foundation has built a remarkable legacy of making a positive impact on communities. Our long-standing presence in the field of social welfare reflects our commitment to creating meaningful change. Through our various initiatives and programs, we have touched the lives of countless individuals, bringing hope, opportunity, and transformation to those in need.
Holistic Approach: At Dwyer Foundation, we believe in addressing social issues comprehensively, recognizing that true development encompasses multiple facets. We go beyond providing immediate relief and focus on long-term solutions that address the root causes of social problems. By considering economic, educational, healthcare, and environmental aspects, we strive to create lasting change and promote sustainable development.
Expertise and Dedication: Our team of professionals and volunteers form the backbone of our organization. They are not only highly skilled and experienced in their respective fields but also deeply passionate about creating meaningful change. Whether it's our dedicated healthcare professionals, compassionate educators, or tireless community workers, each member of our team brings their expertise and unwavering commitment to our cause, ensuring that our initiatives have a real and lasting impact.
Collaborative Partnerships: We understand that collaboration is key to achieving significant social change. That's why we actively seek partnerships with government bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local communities. By working together, we leverage collective strengths, resources, and expertise, maximizing our reach and effectiveness. Through these collaborative efforts, we are able to implement programs that have a broader and more sustainable impact on the communities we serve.
Lasting Change: At Dwyer Foundation, we are not just interested in providing temporary relief or quick fixes. Instead, we are committed to creating sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities. We invest in initiatives that empower people to become self-reliant, equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to improve their circumstances in the long run. By focusing on sustainable development, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and create a better future for generations to come.
Transparency and Accountability: We believe in maintaining transparency in our operations and being accountable for the resources entrusted to us. We are committed to ensuring that every donation and contribution we receive is utilized effectively and efficiently. Through regular reporting, financial transparency, and open communication, we strive to build trust and confidence among our supporters and stakeholders. We take our responsibility seriously and are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability." short title of each point.
Holistic Approach: What sets us apart is our commitment to addressing social issues from multiple angles. We recognize that sustainable development requires a comprehensive approach that considers economic, social, and environmental factors. By addressing the diverse needs of individuals and communities, we promote holistic development that encompasses various dimensions of well-being.
Community-Driven Initiatives: We believe in the power of communities to identify their own needs and drive change. Our programs are designed based on community input and engagement, ensuring that they are relevant, effective, and sustainable. We actively involve community members in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of our initiatives, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.
Collaborative Spirit: Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We understand that no single organization or individual can solve complex social problems alone. That's why we foster collaborative partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, corporate entities, and local communities. By bringing together diverse perspectives, expertise, and resources, we are able to amplify our impact and create transformative change on a larger scale.
Empowerment Focus: Our initiatives are centered around empowering individuals and communities to become agents of change in their own lives. We provide them with the tools, skills, and opportunities to improve their circumstances and create a better future. Through education, vocational training, capacity building, and mentorship programs, we empower individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty and build a brighter tomorrow.
Sustainable Solutions: Sustainability is a core principle that guides our work. We seek solutions that have a lasting positive effect on the communities we serve. Whether it's promoting sustainable livelihoods, eco-friendly practices, or long-term educational programs, we prioritize initiatives that create enduring impact. By investing in sustainable development, we ensure that our efforts continue to benefit future generations.
Compassionate and Caring Environment: We believe in creating a supportive and nurturing environment for all those we serve. Our programs are designed to not only address practical needs but also to provide emotional support and care. We strive to create spaces where individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered. Our compassionate approach fosters trust, dignity, and well-being, enabling individuals to thrive and reach their full potential." short title of each point.
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